
Leadership Inside Out

Leadership Inside Out is a newsletter that supports Change Agents in Leading Differently. Doing good in the world doesn't have to result in burnout. Leading with JOY and EASE will provide the energy and empowerment needed to impact the world in positive ways.

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Issue 35 - Rushed, anxious, annoyed? This one's for you.

Hello Reader, How are you? Take a minute and check in with yourself. Really. What energy are you holding in your body right now? The practice of simply noticing the emotion and the physical sensations associated with it is a linchpin for accessing more autonomy over how your day goes. If you notice you're holding tension, urgency, or frustration. It's okay. This morning I noticed a mix of emotions, frustrated at my own lack of action, overwhelmed at the opportunities I felt I was dropping the...

Issue 34 - More Energy Please...⚡️

Hello Reader, How are you? What's on your to do plate? The one thing I often hear among leaders is the need for more energy. You too? One obvious way to get more energy is to rest... a simple solution is sometimes the best, but as I wrote about last week, it is not always easy. And even if you DO take that nap or vacation, sometimes it's not enough. The moment you return and open your computer to work, it's like your internal battery drains immediately. 'WTF - I felt rested 5 minutes ago.' I...

Issue 33 - Rest without Guilt

Hello Reader, How are you? Are you taking any sort of break? Are you feeling fully rejuvenated by it? Last week I was "out of office" - traveling in Alaska with my family, being wowed by wildlife and looooong days, full of sunlight. Keni Peninsula, AK. Photo by me. I found myself thinking about the nature of rest, especially as I work with clients who want to make the most of their time off. What contributes to real rejuvenation? Worrying about being unproductive, feeling overwhelmed by...

Issue 32 - 🖼️ Reframing to Breakthrough

This past week I witnessed a transformation within myself. Change happens over time, often without full awareness of how far we’ve come. Today’s personal reflection invites you to consider how a few reframes could lead to breakthroughs for yourself. 📖 Since my first internship at an M&B bank in downtown Denver in the early 2000’s, I saw how valuable connections are in getting a job and making my way into the world of professionalism. "My network” (my aunt’s husband’s cousin) had introduced me...

Honoring Juneteenth

Today is a reminder that positive change can happen. Through the commitment and fortitude of the abolitionist movement and the inspired imagination of all those who fought for the end of slavery, Emancipation became a reality on June 19, 1865. The end of chattel slavery happened after hundreds of years in which the United States normalized and economically benefited this inhuman system. As change agents we continue imagine, organize, and work towards an end to all forms of inhumanity and...

Issue 31 - Emotions capacity. It's attainable!

Hello Reader, How are you feeling? Do you know how to harness the power of your emotions? The energy, mood, or vibe we emit is the most powerful thing we control. Our emotional state can bring those around into a spiral of worry or can spark motivation and hope. Now, I am not suggesting manipulating what we feel or "faking" emotions to get a certain results. Masking or ignoring your real emotions to produce something different will not give you the desired result. Faking emotions comes off as...

Issue 30 - What stops us from DOING the THING

Hello Reader, How are you? If you have things you want to do, even NEED to do, but you can't seem to make happen, you are not alone. That annoying disconnect between what we WANT to do and what we ACTUALLY do drains our energy and self confidence. Your brain may tell you, "I am the special defective unicorn that can't get it together". The truth is, it's totally normal. Let's break down WHY this happens. As motivated change agents, we ALWAYS see areas for improvement. The should's, the...

Issue 29 - Imagining something better

Hello Reader, Imagine this, or maybe it's already your reality... You are carrying a mental load bigger than an over packed family car for a week-long camping road trip.😵💫 Between trying to figure out what is most important and what you can delegate you are responding to an urgent message that only you can answer. “What did I pick my phone up to do?!” The tasks are endless. Under the mental problem solving and execution you also carry the emotions of disappointment regarding that last hire...

Issue 28 - The power of understanding your own thoughts

Hi Reader, Metacognition was one of those big words I didn't know, but seemed like everyone else did, when I started grad school. There were many things that I didn't know that initially triggering insecurity. At first it took me right back to that moment in 6th grade when I didn't know who Cindy Crawford was as a result of being homeschooled my entire life up to that point. I decided to keep my mouth shut regarding my ignorance as I saw the other formerly homeschool kid getting bullied for...