
Leadership Inside Out

Reflections & Insights from Sonya Perez

Leadership Inside Out is a newsletter that supports Change Agents in Leading Differently. Doing good in the world doesn't have to result in burnout. Leading with JOY and EASE will provide the energy and empowerment needed to impact the world in positive ways.

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Issue 27 - When leadership feels hard

Hi Reader, I’m talking with leaders across the social impact space and I’m hearing some common themes emerge. Leadership is hard and it is definitely feeling less fun than they hoped. I'm hearing: I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to create change, to be a different type of leader, to create a healthy organization. BUT... I didn’t want the sleepless nights worrying about covering payroll. I didn’t want to feel like I’m constantly failing my team by not having the answers or the capacity...

Issue 26 - Breaking the Labels that Hurt Us All

Beyond the binary of Mother's Day - a personal reflection for all. If you're inbox looks anything like mine, it is getting slammed with Mother's Day ads and promos. I debated adding to noise, but hopefully this reflection sounds like one of the sound bath bells that brings you back to your senses and helps you feel less alone no matter who you are . 💕🧘🏽♀️ Society likes to put us in boxes. We get labeled: With Kids, Child Free, Working mom, SAHM, Single mom, Perfect mom, High power career...

Issue 25 - Compost & Spring Blooms

Hi Reader, How are you? Today's newsletter is a little longer than usual. But I hope you get the chance to sit down with it and reflect on what experiences you might need to compost and the blooms it will lead to. In 5 short days I will be giving the final keynote speech at the virtual Responsive Nonprofit Summit. It's kind of a big deal for me, here's why:Flash back 13 years ... I was invited to speak at the White House. The pictures look impressive and fancy but I was wrecked inside, it was...

Issue 24 - Finding the energy you need

Hi Reader, How are you feeling? When you care about the work that you do but also feel exhausted you can sometimes find yourself wondering... Is this "burnout" or is it just the normalized "pour out" of doing social impact work? Without awareness and holistic practices, the self imposed "pour out" can lead real fast to burnout. 🫗 🔥 Becoming aware of what drains your energy and investing in ways to reframe and refuel is critical to regaining the sustainable energy you need to enjoy your work...

Issue 23 - Why knowing is not enough

Hi Reader, How you doing?! "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, Do better". - Maya Angelou This quote has served as a guiding force in my personal and professional life. You may relate to that constant desire that I feel inside to know better. To me, Maya Angelou’s quote highlights the role of ignorance in poor behavior and performance with a certain amount of grace. Knowledge is power. And the process of learning and knowing continues to evolve collectively...

Issue 22 - On Being Heard

Hi Reader, How are you? Really. Most likely you are the kind of leader that listens to your people. You know the basics of caring and effective leadership. In fact, you listen A LOT. Or at least you always try to. You know that making space and time to hear the concerns and voices of your team is an important practice. But this issue is not about improving how you listen others. Today's newsletter is about the magical insight and transformation that happen when you REALLY allow YOURSELF to be...

It's ok to be human: Issue 21

Hi Reader, How are you? At the start of every coaching session I invite my clients to take a moment to return to their body, to let themself feel supported by their breath and let their thoughts float by without judgement. We take 60 seconds together to just be. So often we, as humans are actually lost in our head, lost in the chronic tsunami of information and emotions. Disconnected from the present moment. The information flow and cognitive load we currently carry is A LOT, (more than ever...
Painting-  In the Garden

How you feel matters: Issue 20

Hi Reader, How are you? I start my newsletter with this question because how you are feeling matters. I recently saw a post that asked, “Are you sick of your job or is your job making you sick?” I thought of the nonprofit professionals that I've met at the NTen Nonprofit Technology conference a few weeks ago who resonated with the statement, “We are beyond burnout, we’re crispy”. Eeek is that you?! How you FEEL matters. Not only because you are human but as a leader trying to impact the...

Tell me more... Issue 19

Hi Reader, How are you? Just three words, "Tell me more", can create a powerful and meaningful connection. It's a go-to coaching questions and an immediate bridge builder for any person trying to expand their understanding and create connection. When using it you don't have to agree with your conversation partner. You don't have to fully understand them or know your response. You are simply saying, I care to better understand and I care to know you and your perspective. Rather than take the...

Leadership Inside Out is a newsletter that supports Change Agents in Leading Differently. Doing good in the world doesn't have to result in burnout. Leading with JOY and EASE will provide the energy and empowerment needed to impact the world in positive ways.

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